Copyright Policy

1. General Statements
Please read the following “Terms of Use” carefully, you are permitted to use the materials, information and data (together the ‘Materials’) providing by Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA) to you in any format and/ or downloading from Fashion Atelier Certificate Programme (FACP) website (the ‘Website’) if you agree to it and, by using any part of the Materials, you are deemed to agree to the terms and acknowledge that it contains proprietary intellectual property and copyright information. Whilst the HKFDA takes every care to ensure that the Materials provided to you in any format and on this Website are accurate and up-to-date, but the Materials are provided on an ‘as is’ basis without any express, implied or statutory warranty or guarantee. The HKFDA reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to add, modify or remove any Materials without prior notice.
HKFDA makes no warranty that the Materials are free of computer infection. It is at the user’s own risk and sole responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from a download and/or use of any such Materials.
HKFDA gives no guarantee that access to the Website will be error free or uninterrupted, and the HKFDA will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any error or interruption.
Any use of the Materials by you is a use granted under a license to you only. You may not pass the Materials to a third party without further permission from HKFDA. Materials may not be used in any way which could be considered to be deceptive or which could reflect unfavorably upon the good name or reputation of HKFDA. In the event of any identified breach of these terms of use, HKFDA / the copyright holders of the Materials may take any appropriate action to constrain further use and/or seek financial compensation.
2. Copyright Notice
All Materials (e.g. information, data, text, images, graphics, animation, videos, music, sounds, software, and other materials) on this Website and / or provide by HKFDA to you in any format are subject to the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of HKFDA. Please ensure that the Material is credited as follows:
Image: Courtesy of Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA) (or HKFDA)
Video: Courtesy of Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA) (or HKFDA)
Source: Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA) (or HKFDA)
No part of the Materials may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without written consent from HKFDA.
Please be reminded that if such Materials contains a work of art or artistic creation, you are required to obtain additional permission from the artist or his/ her estate or successor in title in order to reproduce it.
3. Applicable Law & Disputes
The Terms and Conditions and your use of this Website and Materials shall be governed by the Laws of Hong Kong and the HKSAR courts have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any conflict, dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with HKFDA.